Referring Doctor Information
Rapid access endoscopy and colonoscopy
Dr. Lidums offers a streamlined "rapid access" service for patients requiring an Endoscopy and / or Colonoscopy procedure. The Endoscopy and Colonoscopy “rapid access” service provides an early gastrointestinal assessment for patients.
Once a referral for "rapid access" has been received, endoscopy and/or colonoscopy will be immediately booked onto a procedure list usually within 2 weeks. The patient need only make one trip to the hospital where they will be seen by Dr. Lidums and the procedure performed.
Our staff will contact the patient directly to work out a suitable time slot to have their procedure and answer any questions the patient may have. Patients will then be sent a set of instructions, and patient information form via mail. Once they arrive at hospital they will go to a Day Procedure area where Dr Lidums will meet with them to discuss their medical condition and their procedure will be performed. An anaesthetist will administer sedation during the procedure. Results of the procedure will be sent to the referring doctor and discussed with the patient on the day of the procedure.
Patients require a referral from their General Practitioners and an appointment made by completing the referral form and sending via Fax: (08) 8364 2869.
For all enquiries regarding this service please call: (08) 8331 3373.
Referral for Rapid Access Endoscopy and Colonoscopy.
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